Friday, January 23, 2009


I found Dakimh's page whilst scouring myspace for some new beats, only one track in the player but it carries the strength of ten. With a deep sci fi feel to the proceedings 'Done' is a master piece, a haunting vocal sweeps in and out of the expertly crafted landscape with a strong but simple beat structure underpinning the groove, this wouldn't be out of place in the new Terminator soundtrack but would perhaps be more fitting to Blade Runner. I don't know much else about Dakimh but if this is anything to go by, his/her future is bright. I can only hope that there is more material in the works.

Check out 'Done' and show some love on the page -

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Deadly Dragon Sound System!

This place is unbelievable, a treasure chest of reggae vinyl/sound fx samples/discographys and that's just for starters!

Be sure to explore the whole site, it really is the pot at the end of a rainbow.

Monthly mixtape from the Hellfire camp

#1 in a monthly series , Hellfire Machina deliver 'First Strike'.

16 tracks in 30 minutes -

HD 4000 'SouthPaw'
Nero 'Something Else'
Benny Page 'Pan Pipes'
Ray Keith 'Something Out There' DZ refix
Skream 'Oskilatah'
Breakzhed 'Forever' Hellfire Machina rmx
Benga 'Crunked Up'
Benga '26 Basslines'
Nero 'Night Thunder'
Foreign Beggars 'Hit That Gash' rmx (Hellfire refix)
Antiserum & Dubsworth 'Ugly Mon'
Reso 'If You Can't Beat Them'
Reso 'Otacon'
DZ 'Awol'
Eskmo 'Agnus Dei'
Nero 'This Way'

download from here -


Planet Twisted - Jan 09

I have always been obsessed with twisted and futuristic basslines, morphing in and out of the track whilst seeming to communicate with each other, transporting you to somewhere else. Like a mystical psychadelic experience, impossible to obtain other than when it wants to be found.

Each month I'll post 5 tracks that have had heavy rotation on my eardrums, if you have suggestions to add or inquiries about any of the artists/tracks featured here, please feel free to email me( for possible inclusion in next months Planet Twisted.

Much to my delight, there has been an influx of the twisted vibe within the dubstep community of late, see below for artists/tracks that have been satisfying my appetite...

1) Reso 'Otacon'

Next level offerings from the man leading the charge! I think this is to be included in a forthcoming album. 09 is set to be a huge year for this talented young producer.

2) Nero 'Night Thunder'

The bass work on this is breathtaking and shows true class. Having already turned heads in dnb circles they have been replicating this amongst the dubstep community. 'This Way' and 'Something Else' are also worth checking out.

3) Hellfire Machina 'Buddhafist Style'

A new project from Mechabot 1 aka Sunz Of Mecha (co owner of Mechanoise Records and Breaksfm) alongside Chosen Substance and Mikey Fx. Gathering some momentum with their productions towards the end of last year, this is the most recent track from the Hellfire dungeon.

4) Antiserum & Dubsworth 'Ugly Mon'

With a recent string of killer releases, Antiserum combine forces with Dubsworth to deliver something of epic proportions. Rage Against The Machine style guitar with question and answer switch bass, the creativity within dubstep right now is immense and these guys are up there with the best of them.

5) DZ 'Awol'

Included more for it's sheer velocity than anything else, 'Awol' tears out of the speakers with intentions to destroy the dancefloor. DZ is on fire at the minute, another artist set for big tings in 09!


Chapel Perilous

Chapel Perilous, like the mysterious entity called "I," cannot be located in the space-time continuum; it is weightless, odorless, tastless and undetectable by ordinary instruments. Indeed, like the Ego, it is even possible to deny that it is there. And yet, even more like the Ego, once you are inside it, there doesn't seem to be any way to ever get out again, until you suddenly discover that it has been brought into existence by thought and does not exist outside thought. Everything you fear is waiting with slavering jaws in Chapel Perilous, but if you are armed with the wand of intuition, the cup of sympathy, the sword of reason, and the pentacle of valor, you will find there (the legends say) the Medicine of Metals, the Elixir of Life, the Philosopher's Stone, True Wisdom and Perfect Happiness.