Friday, September 4, 2009


Sometimes you just have to say enough is enough, break free of the chains and live your life the way you see fit, as long as it's not at the detriment of others I truly believe as human beings we own this right. Beyond the control of any government, religion or social acceptance we should still retain this right.

The attitude towards marijuana is nothing short of neanderthal to me, it grows naturally, it's part of natures design yet the use of it continues to be marked as an illegal act. You become a criminal by smoking a plant that grows naturally from the earth., surely I'm not alone in thinking that this is insane and an extreme abuse of our basic human rights. The powers that be obviously have there reasons, you can find thousands of points of views on this subject, but thats not my intention here. It's gone way beyond asking why do they continue to persecute and indeed prosecute people for smoking marijuana, it's time to ask WHY DO WE ACCEPT IT? What if we just stood up and said no, we won't be dictated to anymore, there is no intelligent arguement to back up the legal restriction of marijuana, it's illegal because they say so and we are expected to just fall into line.

So again I ask you to ask yourselves WHY?